Welcome! We have good news!

We would like to thank you for stopping by our website. We are all about the wonderful news that YOU can have a personal relationship with your loving Creator and can be changed by His grace. 

We have a glorious message for everyone... a message of GRACE... a message of HOPE ...a message of LOVE. It is a message that is centered on the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed in His Word, the Bible.

Helping people treasure Jesus Christ (worship) and fulfill His calling (mission) 

in the context of encouraging friendships (community).

We believe that Christians are best equipped to know God and fulfill His purpose in their lives when they are active in three kinds of gatherings:

We gather in LIFE Groups throughout the week, as well as on Sunday mornings after our congregational gathering.

A LIFE Group consists of an encouraging COMMUNITY of 4-15 people who meet to encourage one another, pray for one another, exercise spiritual gifts, and engage in the Word together (WORSHIP). Future MICRO churches will add a strong MISSION component. These groups are the primary expression of the local church.

We promote weekly ATOMIC Gatherings (accountability groups) for personal spiritual development. 

An ATOMIC church meets anywhere, any time, in person or virtual. These strategic groups consist of 2-3 Christ Followers of the same gender, keeping each other accountable for... 

(1) personal spiritual disciplines (WORSHIP)...  

(2) personal evangelism (MISSION) and...

(3) personal holiness, including confession of sin

one to another (COMMUNITY), all in a safe

and caring environment of acceptance.

We invite everyone to join us weekly for our MACRO Gathering on Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. (location: 11570 San Jose Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, 32223), where we seek to INSPIRE, CELEBRATE (WORSHIP), EQUIP, and DEPLOY (MISSION). In this meeting, similar to what most churches call a "worship service," we sing together, share inspirational testimonies, observe the ordinances (Baptism and Lord's Supper) pray for missions, read the Bible, receive Biblical instruction.

We would love for you to join us!

Thanks again for checking us out. We hope to meet you soon!