To help people experience the grace of Jesus, the love of the

Father, and the fellowship of the Spirit (2 Corinthians 13.14)


The way in which we fulfill our purpose (above) is by creating environments for people to encounter the Triune God and to carry out what He calls them to do. We believe every person is created in the image of God, in need of reconciliation with God, made to live in loving community with others, and designed and gifted to carry out a mission in this world.. We are focused on...

...creating intentional environments for spiritual growth and development

...spearheading compassionate outreaches for showing and sharing the love of Jesus to a needy world

...facilitating strategic partnerships with local and global ministries to fulfill God's kingdom work

...providing helpful resources for spiritual growth as well as resources for a healthy marriage and home life


The Sunday Gathering - 9:20 a.m. at The HUB (11570 San Jose Blvd.) - Available to watch online via our Facebook congregation group page. In this meeting, the goal is to INSPIRE God's people to live for His Glory, to CELEBRATE God's love and goodness, to EQUIP God's people for ministry, and to DEPLOY God's people to show the love of Christ and share the message of Christ.

LIFE Groups - LIFE Groups meet weekly (less than 15 people) to experience time in the Word and time praying for one anther. and motivating one another to live for God's glory and to fulfill God's Great Commission.  Many of these groups on Sunday following the The Sunday Gathering while others meet throughout the week.

ATOMIC Groups -  Anywhere, any time, in person or virtual. These accountability groups consist of 2-3 Christians of the same gender, praying for each other and encouraging one another in (a) personal spiritual disciplines (b) personal evangelism, and (c) personal holiness.


Friendship Fountain Witnessing - Harvest sends a team of members to downtown Jacksonville to pray, witness, and preach the Good News of Jesus.

UNF Campus Witnessing - Harvest frequently sends a team of members to the campus of UNF to approach students in an effort to share the Good News of Jesus.


Local Ministries - Harvest has numerous members who are actively serving in multiple local Christian ministries. Ask one of our elders about the various service opportunities in our region.

Global Ministries and Mission Agencies - Harvest is currently affiliated with two national networks of churches which provide multiple resources as well as fund and train numerous missionaries and church planters.


Lending Library - Located in the Office Suite (unit 1) of The Hub, Harvest members may check out multiple books and videos which can help them have a healthy home life.

Counseling Referrals - Harvest has a relationship with multiple Biblical and Christian counselors in the area and our elders can help connect those in need of counseling with a competent counselor.